At Stirling Ultracold, we recognize that laboratories and biorepositories have a limited amount of floor space. That’s why our unique ULT freezer design delivers more storage capacity per square foot than other comparable models, giving you the most use of your floor space. With our compact Stirling engine cooling technology, less than 11% of our SU780XLE’s outer cabinet volume is needed to house its mechanical cooling system. That’s remarkably smaller than compressor deck space required in other ULT freezers, which is why you get so much more storage capacity in a smaller footprint with a Stirling freezer.
How Much More Sample Storage Do You Get Per Square Foot?
Our unique freezer design allows you to store 15-50% more 2ml vials per square foot of floor space (per freezer) when compared to other upright models of similar size.
Here’s another way to look at this . . . With the smaller footprint of our 600-box-capacity SU780XLE, you can place two additional ULT freezer units in a 50-foot row (side-by-side arrangement with recommended clearance), versus competitive models. This equates to a difference in storage capacity of 1,200-2,200 additional 2” sample boxes, or 120,000-220,000 additional sample vials within the same floor space!

Also, the Stirling Ultracold SU780XLE can be placed directly against the walls in your space, whereas competitive models require an additional 6-8 inches behind the freezer for ventilation clearance. This increases our footprint advantage even further.
Our Stirling engine cooling technology is located at the top of our freezers, inside the green top. This places more racks within easier reach, while significantly improving system access and serviceability. In other ULT freezers, compressor-based cooling systems are located at the bottom of the freezer where service access is more limited.
With our innovative cooling system and unique design, we provide the most ULT storage capacity for your limited floor space, in addition to keeping your samples safer than they’ve ever been.